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Can You Wear the Layered Look?

Julie's Style Tips

Updated: Jun 20, 2021

Lots of people shy away from wearing more than one piece of jewelry. They could be trying to follow someone else's Style Do's & Don'ts.

I recall many years ago, the trend was to get accessorized, then turn around really quickly in the mirror, and the first thing you saw was what you "should take off." That never resonated with me. I'm not a "rules" girl.

I like to feel what wearing the jewelry creates in my body. Sometimes my body wants more energy and on those days I'll layer up several pieces. I may even wear more of my substantial pearls or diamonds. Once again, it is the way your jewelry makes you feel, not necessarily the "way it should look", that creates a beautiful outfit.

When you radiate your joyful energy that the pieces make you feel... just about anything will look great! There really is no right or wrong to wearing jewels, just what works for you!


Call or Text to schedule an appointment or ask any questions: 415.871.4236 

Julie Tuton Jewelry     •     Handmade in Marin, CA     •

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